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What Can I Do About Snoring?

What Can I Do About Snoring?

How to stop snoring through home therapeutic remedies and devices (meaning without any side effects!)

The following exercises if done regularly can be considered good tips to help stop snoring. In front of your television you can relax as well as strengthen your jaw muscles with  throat exercises. A noticeable feature of doing these exercises is that they result in bringing forth an overall improvement in your health and you would feel more relaxed too. If one repeatedly practices doing jaw exercises which are the most common for snoring, it will gradually result in making the jaws far stronger than before.

Another very common natural tip is to avoid certain things like alcohol, sleeping pills, coffee and other rich foods before sleeping. Your sleeping position itself if altered significantly can help in reducing the snoring like for example if you are sleeping on your back it would help if you put a few extra pillows and prop yourself up in bed rather than lying flat on your back.

Sleeping on your side is another good alternative as sleeping on your back makes your tongue and soft palate rest against your throat thereby blocking the airway. One basic trick to make sure that you don't sleep on your back is to put a tennis ball on your back so that you will not be encouraged to sleep on the back. The placing of the tennis ball will subconsciously encourage you to sleep on your side, thereby allowing you to have sound sleep. 

Nasal congestion is one of the prime reasons for snoring during bedtime, luckily for us there are various options available at our disposal to aid nasal degcongestion.

  • The judicious use of natural nasal decongestants such as saline sprays can be helpful for short period use
  • If you gargle with a peppermint mouthwash to shrink the lining of your nose and throat it can act as good cure if your snoring is a temporary condition caused by a head cold or allergy.
  • One notable way to get relieved of your nasal stuffiness and reduce bedroom allergens is by regularly changing your sheets and pillow cases.
  • Recently there are mouth piece devices available that can be worn in the mouth during sleep which could successfully prevent soft throat issues from collapsing and blocking the airways. 

if you are a little obese then you should seriously try to lose some weight especially around the neck which will help in alleviating snoring. Overweight people build up fat especially around the neck which pushes pressures on the airway, causing it to partially collapse thereby leading to snoring. Another very important tip is reduce the intake of alcohol and sleeping pills. It has been found that both alcohol and central nervous system depressants (sleeping pills in particular) will relax the muscles of your throat and jaw thereby making snoring more likely. And of equal concern, is that  both alcohol and tranquilizers are known to trigger sleep apnea, which is a dangerous condition that has been found linked to various seriouse medical conditions and cardiovascular diseases.

All the above mentioned tips if practiced daily will help one to stop snoring naturally.


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